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2-Week Intensive Class: Viewpoints

Join us for the Nine Years Theatre's signature Two-Week Intensive Class in Viewpoints!

Viewpoints is a well-known training method that takes time to be fully integrated into the performer's consciousness and physical practice. Over two weeks, we aim to impart its approach and philosophy to participants. After completing the intensive course, participants will find that continued practice over time will deepen the impact of their training and enhance their performance.

Our classes are designed for beginners and no prior experience is required. They are also suitable for artists who have experienced these training method(s) and are looking to refine their training(s). Read more about Viewpoints below.

18 - 29 November 2024, Mondays to Fridays.

7pm - 10pm

NYT Studio
28 Aliwal Street, #02-09, Aliwal Arts Centre, Singapore 199918.

Nelson Chia and Mia Chee


This course qualifies for SkillsFuture credits.

Conducted in:

Application is now open.
Click HERE to apply.
Deadline for application: 27 October 2024, Sunday.


We will go through the elements of Viewpoints, and the philosophy behind the training. This class aims to build awareness in the performer’s body and mind, while tapping into our impulses.

About Viewpoints:

Viewpoints is a method of performer training based on the works of Mary Overlie and Anne Bogart. It trains performers to work together by developing a common awareness of time and space, which can be broken down into elements such as shape, movement, architecture, kinesthetic response and duration, to name a few.

“Viewpoints is about having a meaningful relationship with Time and Space. It is about the awareness of being, of events that are already existing, and of events that are emerging. It is a way of working with others, of building an ensemble, and of establishing a common language. It is a practice in seeing things with new perspectives.”
— Nelson Chia

  • “Viewpoints is a philosophy translated into a technique for (1) training performers; (2) building ensemble; and (3) creating movement for the stage.”

  • “Viewpoints is a set of names given to certain principles of movement through time and space; these names constitute a language for talking about what happens onstage.”

  • “Viewpoints is points of awareness that a performer or creator makes use of while working.”

  • — Anne Bogart


    "I now look at Viewpoints as an excellent tool for increasing my awareness and sensitivity to what is outside of my mind." — Ann Teo

    "It definitely exceeded my expectations. I love the structure of the course and the rigour it has, both in concept and practice. Both instructors gave us really well thought out excercises that facilitated our learning, and I really benefitted from it. I feel like it is a course all actors should go through. As a performer, it is an expansive practice of interacting with space and time on stage that is both deeply internal and physically embodied. It opens up endless possibilities of being on stage, and pushes us to notice and respond to whatever happens in a way that is sensitive and in tune with the ensemble" — Esther Koh

    "It gave me the vocabulary in the form of words, movement etc to work on in terms of creating my form of art." — Tanvi Pravinchandra Kothary

    "每一堂课,从零开始学习,将每节课学习的运用到每次的练习。" — Goh Hui Ting

    "I LOVE IT. I enjoyed Mia and Nelson’s teaching style and questioning to encourage the performers to push themselves." — Chong Wei Kiat

    "Generous, well crafted classes by committed mentors who enable creative evolution in a safe space." — Neo Mei Qi

    "Throughout the activities we had done in the past two weeks, it really helped with the way of my movement and raised my awareness of the action I took on the stage." — Tay Qing Xin