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Mandarin Enunciation

Course Content

This class is designed for individuals aiming to improve their Mandarin pronunciation. It focuses on fundamental aspects of Mandarin phonetics, including correct articulation of consonants, vowels, and tones. Participants will also learn standard spoken Mandarin, including techniques for modulating tones during speech. The class incorporates practice sessions with diverse text genres to refine participants' speech intonation.

20 - 23 August 2024, Tue – Fri(4 days)

7pm – 10pm

NYT Studio
28 Aliwal Street, #02-09, Aliwal Arts Centre, Singapore 199918.

Mia Chee

Course Fee:

Conducted in:

Application is now open.
Deadline for application: 5 August 2024, Monday
(All applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis for this class).

Click HERE to apply.

This course qualifies for SkillsFuture credits.

About the Instructor

Mia is an actor, producer and theatre educator, also co-founder and Company Director of Nine Years Theatre (NYT). She started learning to perform in standard Mandarin at the age of 9 when she joined Rediffusion's children and youth radio drama group. Since then, she has been performing in school through her teenage years and eventually graduated with a B.A. in Theatre Studies and Chinese Language from the National University of Singapore. As a continuation from her background in radio work since young, she worked as a part-time DJ at Y.E.S. FM93.3 during the years 1997 – 2014. Since 2015, she has been teaching NYT’s Mandarin Enunciation classes, and also led other Mandarin speech training classes. She was a founding and core member of the NYT Ensemble through its journey (2014 - 2021), and led the ensemble in vocal and speech training.

"I've learnt a lot! It helped me discover range of musicality in mandarin speech." — Tan Rui Shan

"It taught me more and it is also fascinating to learn so much new things about a language that is supposedly around us everywhere! I have learnt the rules which makes a good foundation and helps us with identifying and correcting mistakes in my speech." — Sharon Sum

"I was happy to find out that there is very meticulous & detailed correction of personal mistakes. I am now much clearer with my personal common mistakes and also know the way to correct them. While it may take some time to be used to the right pronunciations, the class provided a safe & comfortable platform to begin the betterment of my diction." — Chng Yi Kai

"挺满意。有收获,通过一些实际的发音练习,能够更清楚地去掌握发音的位置。" — 陈碧凤

"Very good, will definitely recommend. Learning to have a better placement in my vowels & consonants & understands the habits I tend to have & now I am more aware of it." — Wendi Wee Hian

"I've learnt a lot of the different rules which I've not been aware of and a lot of refreshing on the Chinese language. I've gain greater insight and interest, and a lot of new practices to practise in my own time. I've gained a greater sense of sensitivity to the language." — Deonn Yang

"I have learnt so much about the language and I am ready to apply them in my daily life. (as well as destroying all my old habits)" — Jayden Lim Jun De

"I enjoyed the course a lot, learned a lot and will continue to keep learning and get better with my spoken Mandarin. I realised the different sounds and how to say words to make it sound fuller." — Dawn Yuen

"It has helped me better understand the rules and nuances of Mandarin pronunciation, as well as the technical aspects of it. Tools I now have to practice on my own to help me better deliver Mandarin scripts and speak the language in general." — Lauren Sim

"I needed to improve my Mandarin for work, and it exceeded my expectations!" — Edward Choy

"我从中了解了一些说话的坏习惯,同时也重新刷新对华语的了解,以及正确发音部位和方法。" — Lim Meng Jiat

"I have learnt to articulate better and make my pronunciation more precise." — Mitchell Fang
Frequently Asked Question:

"What is the difference between 'Mandarin Enunciation' and 'Mandarin Speech Work for Performance' classes?"


The Mandarin Enunciation class is designed for individuals aiming to improve their Mandarin pronunciation and speaking clarity. It focuses on fundamental aspects of Mandarin phonetics, teaching participants how to correctly articulate consonants, vowels, and tones. The class covers standard spoken Mandarin and techniques for modulating tones during speech. Participants practice speech intonation using various text genres, with the primary goal of achieving clear and accurate Mandarin pronunciation suitable for everyday communication and foundational for performing in Mandarin.

Mandarin Speech Work for Performance is geared towards individuals interested in enhancing their Mandarin language expression skills for performance contexts. Beyond pronunciation, this course delves into advanced aspects of language performance including stresses, pauses, links, intonation, voice modulation, and emotional expression. Participants learn systematic techniques to interpret and deliver texts effectively, aiming to become more expressive and engaging performers. This course is ideal for those looking to refine their Mandarin delivery for theatrical performances, public speaking, or any situation requiring compelling language expression.

Summary: While both classes focus on Mandarin language improvement, the Mandarin Enunciation class emphasizes basic pronunciation and clarity for everyday communication, providing a foundational skill set for performing in Mandarin. In contrast, Mandarin Speech Work for Performance targets advanced language expression techniques tailored specifically for performance contexts.

Limited offer: All past "Diction" class and current "Enunciation" class participants enjoy 10% off "Mandarin Speech Work for Performance"!